A common problem that is rising and affecting millions of people worldwide is definitely hair loss or thinning of hair. The volume and style of your hair make a difference in your overall appearance and also aid in your confidence. And if you have hair loss issues, then your confidence is certainly shaken. So, what to do?

Well, the answer to this question is that you can go for the interlocking FUE technique, which is quite a savior for attaining full hair growth and is the best solution for temporary hair loss. This technique can help you accentuate your personality and achieve an impressive personality with an ideal and painless procedure. But the question here is: what is this technique? How can it help you in gaining your hair back? And where to get it done? Before we talk about it in detail about IFT Hair Science, let’s know about the technique here:

Interlocking FUE Technique: What is it?

Is the FUE technique the only hair transplant procedure that is performed? Well, the answer is no. There are two main types of hair transparent: follicular unit transplantation (FUT) and follicular unit extraction (FUE). Wondering what’s the difference? The difference is the technique. FUT procedure involves the removal of a long strip of hair and scalp, the separation of the hair follicles, and then transplanting it to the recipient site’s hair follicles.

Also popularly known as graft transplantation, the Interlocking FUE technique is a minimally invasive surgical procedure where the hair follicle is extracted individually from the donor area, and then it is grafted to the site, which is affected due to balding or thinning. It is more of an evolved version that allows tighter arrangements of the grafts. In comparison to the parallel arrangement of hair grounds, interlocking allows the graphs to fit better as these don’t need to compete for the same space.

At IFT Hair Science, we understand the need for the best hair transplant technique for people who are in desperate need of optimal health care. The interlocking hair transplant technique is an evolved version of the FUE technique, and we make sure that this revolutionary and one-of-a-kind technology offers you the most natural-looking and painless experience. Before we dwell into the details of how this procedure can really be severe for you, let us know more about this technique.

Highlights of the Procedure:

The interlocking FUE technique is a hair transplant procedure that involves the preparation of the donor area to graft the hair follicle. It also requires the selection of a genetic hair loss-resistant area. The process involves:

  • Trimming of the donor area is required for the hair restoration procedure.
  • Extraction of the hair follicles from the area from where the follicles will be extracted by punching some medical tools.
  • After the extraction, a unit of follicles, which will contain 1 to 4 hair strands, will be placed or drafted by using the interlocking method.
  • Several incisions are created by the expert before graft placement is done for hair growth experience in the recipient site.
  • It may take about 12 to 15 months for the hair growth, and the healing after the surgery may be noticed within a month of getting the procedure done.

It is quite necessary to get the interlocking FUE technique done under the care of an expert to achieve a long-lasting result after the procedure. So, it is better to discuss the procedure with the specialist beforehand for better clarity.

Interlocking FUE technique- Why is the procedure better?

This minimally invasive hair transplant technique is sure to achieve your hair restoration goal under the care of the most trusted specialist, such as IFT Hair Science. Here is why this procedure is better than any other:

  • To start with this procedure, circular and small incisions will be marked all around the follicular unit making the slits visible, which will be lesser than any other technique used for hair transplant.
  • The graft of the recipient site dictates how it will be inserted, depending on the angle, size distribution, etc. So, the incisions are usually made according to the recipient site’s need, and the scarring is less noticeable.
  • The implantation of the hair that is expected from the recipient area is done by the surgeon during the process of making a tiny incision with the help of a sharp blade. However, the recovery is quicker than any other procedure.
  • This process gives natural-looking results, and the survival rate of the hair graft is way higher than that of any other procedure.
  • Most importantly, the procedure gives higher hair density and gives you fuller hair transplant results.

So, in terms of recovery and successful results, this procedure is way more precise and better for those who are looking for maximum hair growth and restoration.

IFT Hair Science- Book a Customised Interlocking FUE Technique Session:

Now that you know the procedure in detail and are looking for the best specialist for the interlocking FUE technique, your search ends with IFT Hair Science. The reason why we have become a preferred choice for the FUE technique is that we offer the following:

A High-Level Technological Treatment:

For us, it is all about making sure that our patients get the best result, so we use advanced hair transplant techniques to ensure that you get a progressive and superior experience with us. We understand that every hair follicle is an important and vital organ, and so we make sure that it survives for a long time by employing the latest technology.

A Team of Passionate Professionals:

We don’t just claim to be the best, but we deliver the best possible result because of our expert team, who has an incredible knowledge and understanding of the procedure. Our team of experts understands that precision in the procedures delivers precise results. With a highly skilled and experienced team, we deliver successful results that are sure to offer you a long-term graft survival rate.

If you’re still not sure and hesitant about the procedure, then feel free to contact us without any delay, as we offer you a precise hair restoration solution.

Tags: follicular unit extraction fue,follicular unit transplantation fut,interlocking fue technique

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