It’s a new season and here you are experiencing a whole new dimension of hair loss! Yes, we are talking about Seasonal hair loss! Also popularly known as seasonal hair shedding. It is indeed a common experience that people experience globally. As soon as there is a change in the weather, you may notice a few extra strands of your hair falling out. Wondering what happens and how you can stop the natural hair loss process? If so, then let’s dive into the details here:
Seasonal Hair Loss- What is it?
On average people shed 50 to 100 hair strands on a daily basis, but with the change in the weather, one might experience a few extra strands falling into the hairbrush or hair may swirl down the shower drain, this phenomenon is known as seasonal shedding or hair loss. It usually occurs in the months of fall and spring season. The reason behind the process involves the growth cycle (also known as anagen stage) of hair is in the second stage during these months that involves hair shedding. Some of the other factors involved are exposure to sun, hormonal, fluctuation, stress, seasonal activities, and diet nutrition.
So, how to stop hair loss? Well, if you are experiencing hello, set a rapid scale, then it is best to include these hair fall prevention tips in your daily routine to set the anagen stage for healthier growth:
No Excessive Hair Styling:
Say No to excessive styling of your hair when the weather changes as your hair is more prone to falling out during this time. Excessive hairstyling can lead to persistent tension in the hair follicles, which will damage the overall growth of the hair. It is best to let your hair down or go for hairstyles that leave your hair loose instead of tight hairstyles or ponytails.
Similarly, it is best to limit the usage of heated tools as it may make the strip of your hair vulnerable to breakage. If you have to use heating tools then it is best to apply a heat protectant so that it can reduce the overall damage the heat might cause to your hair.
Hydration and Diet:
If you visit A Hair transplant clinic for hair loss, the expert would recommend you to do two most important things to help the growth of your hair, which are: having a balanced diet and staying hydrated. Carotene is the protein that your hair needs to grow, and that is why go for a diet that is protein, which includes eating food, such as chicken, tofu, fish and more. However, it is not just protein you also need to eat food that has vitamins, especially iron which can help in producing hemoglobin in the RBC eventually helping your hair strengthen.
Similarly, staying hydrated is definitely important as seasonal change leads to dryness on the skin and scalp. So, it is best to drink at least 2 L of water on a daily basis to ensure that your hair follicles are nourished preventing them from breakage due to dryness.
Scalp Treatment and Stress Management:
One of the most important Hair fall prevention tips is to ensure that you treat your scalp properly so that it can avoid the chances of hair loss during the hair growth stage. So how to treat the scalp? Well, some of the methods that you can employ in your daily life are massaging your hair on a regular basis to stimulate the circulation of blood flow, and also going for hair treatments, that involve preventing the dryness and breakage of the hair. Another more prominent reason behind her loss is stress.
With continuous stress, one can experience prolonged hair loss, even after the season has changed. It is best to indulge in activities that help maintain the stress level such as meditation, exercising, going for a walk, continuing a hobby, and more so that it doesn’t affect the hair health.
If you are experiencing hair loss due to seasonal changes, then it is best to employ these tips in your life to reduce the chances of hair fall. However, if it continues, then it is best to seek expert advice at a renowned Hair transplant clinic in Alwar so that you can get custom treatment to help you prevent excessive shedding. So, reach out to an expert today!
Tags: Seasonal hair loss, hair fall prevention tips, Hair transplant clinic