Getting a hair transplant is a big decision to make for any individual, and if you have gone through such a procedure, then it is the time when you need to do holistic hair transplant care. Why? The reason behind this is that if you want to derive a successful outcome from the surgery, then your scalp needs to heal and recover fully from the procedure. That is why it is important to follow a recovery process to ensure that you get the desired results. So, let’s get started with the recovery tips here:

Best Practices After Hair Transplant Surgery:

The Ideal Sleeping Position:

One of the most common Hair transplant recovery tips is that your dermatologist may suggest you sleep with your head raised by using two pillows or more, creating an elevated position. The reason behind this is that post-surgery wounds need to heal, and for that, you need to avoid putting down your head or bending over or else it may lead to excessive bleeding, irritation and swelling. You can even opt for a recliner for sleeping after the surgery.

Washing Your Hair:

Washing the hair appropriately after the surgery is one of the most important aspects of Hair transplant aftercare, as it is usually suggested by dermatologist not to wash their hair for at least 48 hours after the surgery. One can start washing the hair using shampoo and water along with lukewarm water slowly, which is to be followed for the initial 14 days after the procedure to prevent occurring of excessive scabbing in the scalp.

Pressure on Grafts:

Many individuals, at times, apply pressure on the scalp during hair wash, which might eventually lead to swelling or bleeding. Recovery after a hair transplant is a crucial part of getting the desired result, and that is why you need to apply light pressure on the area by utilising a damp and clean cloth or gauze for 5 to 10 minutes. When you dab the area, it might increase the risk of infection and scabbing into the scalp. So, it is best to apply light pressure on your scalp and hair.

Post Recovery Medication:

One of the most essential parts of the healing process is to follow all the tips for hair transplant healing that your doctor suggested to you. After the procedure, you might experience scarring on the scalp, and that is why it is essential to take medication as prescribed by either dermatologist to reduce irritation on the scalp. It is best to take the medicines and also avoid touching your scalp until the recovery duration is completed so that you can avoid disrupting the overall process.

Lifestyle Changes and Activities:

After getting a Hair transplant in Jaipur or any other city, you need to make sure to make some lifestyle changes, such as avoiding doing any kind of strenuous or physical activity until your doctors allow you to. Usually, patients rest for the first week after the surgical procedure. Moreover, it is also important to promote the healing process with the help of the right dietary changes. Consuming alcohol and smoking should also be avoided to decrease the chances of bleeding.


Overall, the process of healing after getting a hair transplant process requires being patient enough to follow all the instructions and get the best results at the end of the recovery duration. It may take up to 3 to 6 months for your head to start growing, and for that to happen, your grafts need to heal. So, make sure to follow all the post-surgical precautions and tips suggested by the best dermatologist in Jaipur to ensure your recovery is fast and safe.

Tags : #hair transplant clinic, best hair transplant services.

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