Due to the COVID-19 virus’s effects on the respiratory system, respiratory problems have received the most attention among the many health concerns brought about by the pandemic. But new data points to a possible link between COVID-19 and hair loss, providing insight into the wide variety of impacts the virus can have on the human body.

Although COVID-19 is still primarily associated with respiratory symptoms, reports of hair loss in some who have recovered have sparked concerns about the virus’s potential effects on hair follicles. Alopecia, the medical term for hair loss, can manifest as increased shedding, thinning, or even total baldness. 

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Hair loss is caused by several variables, and the association between COVID-19 and hair loss is complicated and not entirely understood. The immune system’s reaction to the virus is one theory for the mechanism. In the course of the immune system’s battle against the virus, COVID-19 causes inflammation. In rare circumstances, this immune response may inadvertently target hair follicles, resulting in telogen effluvium.

An increase in the number of hair follicles entering the resting (telogen) phase of the hair development cycle is the hallmark of telogen effluvium, a transient kind of hair loss. Hair loss usually happens two to three months following a trigger, like a viral infection. When COVID-19 is present, the immune system may interfere with the regular cycle of hair development, causing significant hair loss several weeks after the infection has cleared up.

Another element that may exacerbate hair loss in COVID-19 individuals is stress. Hair loss may worsen as a result of the illness’s psychological and emotional strain as well as the pandemic’s social and economic effects. Stress-induced hair loss frequently stems from the body’s reaction to protracted stress, which throws off the cycle of hair development.

In addition, hair loss may be influenced by the virus’s direct effects on blood vessels and circulation. Blood coagulation and vascular function have been demonstrated to be impacted by COVID-19, which may affect the blood supply to hair follicles. Hair follicles that receive insufficient blood supply to the scalp are deprived of the nutrients and oxygen necessary for healthy growth, which can lead to hair loss.

It’s crucial to remember that not everyone with COVID-19 will lose their hair, and for those who do, the illness is frequently transient. Once the underlying cause—such as a viral infection or stress—is treated, hair usually grows back.

A thorough knowledge of the relationship between COVID-19 and hair loss is expected to emerge as researchers continue to explore the long-term impacts of the virus, including its impact on multiple body systems. After recovering from COVID-19, people who continue to experience significant or persistent hair loss should consult a doctor for a full assessment and suitable treatment.

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